Taxmeni are a Czech group playing a modern country & western style. The following album released in 1993 has no less than 6 of Lee's songs and is one of those obscure recording which isn't well documented on the net which is a shame since its a great listen.

The back cover doesn't revel the Hazlewood song references so here's the track listing:
1 - Zustávám (Brek My Mind)
2 - Klaunu a bláznu šéf (Real Live Fool)
3 - Tón kolejnic (That Old Freight Train)
4 - Jak ty tejdny líne jdou
5 - Pyramidy (Kansas City)
6 - Tisíc dnu
7 - Jackson
8 - Babí léto (Indian Summer)
9 - Koule na noze (Hutchinson Jail)
10 - On je cvok (He´s My Rock)
11 - Good by (The Fool)
12 - Nekoukej na me (Poor Man)
13 - Dáma pri tele (Four KindsOf Lonely)
14 - Nebyla to fáma
15 - Haleluja, já jdu za tebou (Hallelujah, I Love Her So)
The following is a link to a forum post so if you like what you hear, be sure to thank the person responsible for uploading it.